Acciones de clientes
"Understanding is power.
And understanding in hypnosis is the most
liberating, transformative healing power."
Marisa Peer
Debilitating Menopausal Depression.-
"I finally have my beautiful life back, in every way imaginable.
Life had become unbearable after suffering from extreme and debilitating menopausal depression for over a year. I knew that self-harm was imminent. I had seen a number of different specialists and tried an endless number of hormones, medications and supplements to no avail.
Claudia was able to help me overcome an absolutely unbearable situation within just a few days of our first session! She is very kind, intuitive and extremely compassionate. She makes every interaction with her unbelievably easy and pain free.
I would recommend Claudia to anyone suffering from depression, anxiety,
or difficult challenge in any form, because I didn’t expect to see such immediate and magical results.
My only regret is not seeing Claudia sooner.
She has my eternal gratitude.
I’m a believer and will refer everyone in need of help to Claudia."
Susanne Hartwell, SC USA
Career Issues.-
"The result was extraordinary! For years I hadn’t been able to move forward in the professional field. I'm starting a new path and I totally need to believe in myself, believe that I can and I will make this work.
I was impressed by Claudia's way of leading the session. She perfectly knew how to handle all the information. She is super professional, friendly, right away I felt I could trust her, I never felt judged. Claudia helped me by “removing” all old beliefs that were preventing me from moving forward. I was able to understand what was holding me back. Now it's clear and I'm moving forward.
I honestly didn’t expect to see results so quickly, and was greatly surprised when I was able to confirm that all the negative feelings were not there anymore. Even the physical symptoms were gone, just amazing! Every time I gave a session I was so nervous, my hands were sweaty, hot. I had to wipe them down constantly. My voice would break horribly. I couldn't help myself, not even by drinking water. I was never prepared enough and my heart would race like crazy.
After the session with Claudia, I don't feel nervous at all, I'm excited about the work I am doing helping others. I simply DO IT! My sessions are flowing, my voice comes out naturally, clear, soft, it's just amazing! I'm relaxed, my hands are dry and cool. I'm able to see things clearly now and put order more easily and come up with ideas and most importantly.
Hypnosis is changing my life. I’m glad I gave myself the opportunity to try it. It’s relaxing and most of all, FREEING, I literally felt I took so much weight off my shoulders, so many suppressed emotions came out. It’s just something you really have to try.
Thank you Claudia!"
C. Ruiz, Canada
Unexplained Troubling Skin Rash.-
The rash hasn't come back in situations when
it normally would and I also find that
I’m more connected to my inner voice and emotions.
With Claudia I felt safe right away, her voice is calm and I felt guided and comfortable opening up. She is very professional and because of that I could go deep in our session straight into the underlying cause of the unexplained skin rash I had for years.
She helped me find the root of it and remove it. I made the connection between trauma and my skin. I know what bothered me subconsciously.
Marjia, Denmark
Feeling Invisible, Anxiety and Disconnection.-
"I approached Claudia because I was feeling increasingly more and more anxious whenever I tried to express myself. This issue had long been making me feel “small”, unsafe to be seen in life.
Claudia is brilliant as a therapist, profound, professional, empathetic and one-of-a-kind. It was very obvious that she truly cared about me and helping me. It was also clear how committed she is to the success of her clients. She helped me first by being so thoughtful and intuitive in the intake session, Claudia then was able to guide and navigate the RTT session so that I was able to access and link memories in a way that I had not experienced in traditional Hypnotherapy. The result was a powerful and effective session. When I realized the combined effect of the traumas in my childhood, which I had minimized all my life, I was astonished at the power and effect that they had on me as an adult.
Claudia created a personalized hypnosis recording that continues to support me on a daily basis. Each time I listen to it I feel that I grow more and the positive aspects are more deeply embedded in my subconscious. I found the experience to be phenomenal, incredibly enlightening. Since the session I have been much more comfortable "being seen".
I would highly recommend Claudia to people who are struggling with any issue that is limiting them in life. I will be eternally grateful that I was able to experience RTT under her expert guidance.
Thank you Claudia!
Anita McCombs, UT USA
Severe Inability to Concentrate.-
"RTT works!
I came to Claudia because I was in the midst of contending with a personal situation
that was so difficult to deal with that it was affecting my ability to concentrate.
I wanted to take charge of the flow of my thoughts, and return to a state of healthy balance.
Many of my work tasks require a laser-like focus on minute details. My thoughts were being recurrently interrupted by the problem, intruding on the flow of my tasks.
All day it was distressing, annoying and I felt unproductive!
I felt comfortable speaking with Claudia about private matters. She took me on an internal journey, and I was able to explore my inner self in a new and fruitful way. It was exciting and fascinating. Afterwards, Claudia created an audio tape, tailor-made for my specific needs. She used colorful, creative language to address a better approach to the complex personal problem itself, and transform habits I had identified I wanted to upgrade. The audio recording she made specifically for me has confirmed and strengthened the new blueprint we introduced during my intensive RTT session.
The beneficial results were noticeable and immediate. I have followed Claudia's instructions to the letter. I have been delighted to find that the specific internal changes I wanted to make happened instantaneously, and have been lasting. I have found that the troubled, repetitive thought cycles have simply stopped, naturally and easily.
I sleep soundly, and wake with a renewed sense of purpose and an eagerness to enter the day. The good habits and personal routines that I wanted to engender in myself are easy and pleasurable to move through.
At my job, I am working with a brisk efficiency again and with greater precision, having my accustomed highly productive state. When I am driving, I am alert and aware. When I am studying, I am engrossed by my lessons, and highly focused.
Most importantly, the worried, sad, unproductive thoughts of my (presently unsolvable) problem have just evaporated. I feel back in balance again, and I feel cheerful and full of hope. I am quietly confident that I will meet my challenges calmly and reasonably, and with a generosity of spirit towards others.
I am grateful for the very successful outcome. Claudia Castillo Holley served me with a nurturing, caring efficiency, I would absolutely recommend her as a therapist."
Heli Montgomery Dunn, Georgia USA
Procrastination/Time Management.-
With just one session, I am extremely happy with my results, my issue is resolved and I highly recommend Claudia and RTT.
Nothing has changed in my life - I still have much to do, as usual, but the heaviness is gone. Claudia helped me reframe my "heavy have-to" lists with "grateful get-to" lists. All that life requires is no longer so daunting. I now do what I need to do with a mindset of privilege, honor and choice.
Claudia is profoundly professional and communicative. Her questions prior to the session brought clarity to my issue for both of us. She explained what to expect along the way. I found the experience very natural, a mere conversation. I also appreciated the check-ins following our session. She is supportive, motivating and true
I didn't expect the clarity gleaned in all aspects of my life and I'm greatly surprised that I'm not only more present and attentive to tasks at hand but to the people around me as well.
Thank you for making my life easier and being so wonderful Claudia!
Phobia of Needles.-
“The trip was a success, thanks to Claudia!
My fear of needles was keeping me from getting necessary vaccinations,
and being able to go on a Mexico mission trip.
I didn’t expect to be so easily swayed into being accepting of needles,
without a panic attack, but
I have completely overcome my fear,
like a very heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders.
I recommend Claudia to anyone struggling with a phobia keeping them from accomplishing daily or significant tasks, or anyone unsure of the Hypnotherapy process. She was very good about making me feel comfortable and confident, there was no doubt in my mind about what I was getting myself into, which I was impressed by. She is a great therapist!
Oren Whiteley, Lincoln CA