SAT 8/26
Join Vibrant Health Goddesses
⚛︎Dr. April Gill - Licensed Acupuncturist, DTCM
⚛︎Claudia Castillo Holley - C.RTT® Hypnotherapist & Mind Body Nutrition Professional
⚛︎Daizy - Yoga, Reiki and Energy Healing Master, in this
one-of-a-kind holistic cleanse program
We are combining the wisdom of Chinese Medicine & Ayurveda, with the
transformative power of Rapid Transformational Therapy®, Hypnotherapy, Success Mindset, Acupuncture, Yoga/Body Flow, Mindfulness, Lymphatic Massage
and so much more, to provide
⚛︎the ultimate cleanse protocol for body, mind and soul⚛︎
Are you ready to say good bye to stagnant energy, outdated beliefs and toxic disconnection from your precious body, clouding your radiance, vitality, clear vision and embodied joy?
Why Restore YourSelf?
With our unique combination of ancient wisdom and modern healing elements, plus the expert support to keep you strong throughout the program, you can achieve profound rejuvenation, improved health, and an elevated connection with your body, mind, and spirit, fueling your vibrancy and confidence to lead a balanced and fulfilling life, as the best YOU
Without the typical struggles of a detox program
Here's what you can expect from this unique 21-day immersion in Holistic Wellness,
more details in the FAQ section below:
-A complete 21-day detox kit: expertly formulated based on Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine principles, including top notch powerful ingredients and spices for nutritional support, daily supplements, hydration therapy, coffee enema kit, tub for foot and hand soaks and a Restore YourSELF folder with the 21-day schedule, how-to’s, basic recipes, shopping list and much more.
VALUE: $599
-One acupuncture session with Dr Gill + weekly 15 min. check in calls
VALUE: $275
-One Instant Breakthrough Package, a 2 hypnotherapy session and your personalized hypnosis recording to listen to for the 21 days of the cleanse, for mindset shift and emotional balance support. Through the power of Rapid Transformational Therapy®, hypnotherapy and mindset support, you’ll be guided into easily releasing physical and emotional blockages through fostering healthy self-awareness, and cultivating an "I Can Do This" attitude, for an uplifted state of mind, heart and body flow throughout and beyond the 21 days.
With Claudia Castillo Holley
VALUE: $333
-One private yoga class with Daizy, to allow you to drop into the experience of asana (movement) with mindful intention. Guided meditation, energy work, breath work and somatic release techniques are some of the additional methods used to support you in feeling connected, calm and at home with your body through this detox experience. A supportive addition to the cleanse program as it helps to move and shift around what has been held internally by the body.
75 min, VALUE: $125
-One Lymphatic Massage to further your detox efforts by flushing toxins and debris in your body fluids through the lymph nodes. Your liver and gallbladder, major detoxification organs, are stimulated to dump and drain, enhancing the general cleansing work your body is doing through the cleanse. You will be guided with meditation when appropriate, as well as having sound healing to support release.
60 min, VALUE: $120
-The support of a team* dedicated to your next level of healing, believing in you and holding space for your full potential.
(Plus some savings on your grocery bill!!)
*Other options available for an added investment include: ion foot bath, biofeedback, success mindset coaching, craniosacral therapy, infrared sauna with castor oil pack, rife machine, sound baths and guided meditations. For more information contact us below.
SAT 8/26 1-2PM
RSVP by calling the center at 925-443-4442
Space is limited and date is approaching quickly
So, take a deep breath dear friend...
(also go through some of the FAQ below)
if this feels in alignment, hit the button below to join us

Frequently Asked Questions
Check below before contacting us with any questions.
Will be adding more information as we move along
​-What is the purpose of this cleanse?
To support the body's elimination of toxic overload, parasites, activate digestion, reduce inflammation and stimulate the gut/brain connection for greater energy, mental clarity and overall well-being.
-What does this program include?
1) 1 Detox kit with all you need for the 21 days:
Home Detox Kit
2 Tubs for soaking Hands and Feet Basti Kit
2 Enema Bags
Organic Enema Coffee
Castor oil for Liver and Kidney Packs
Mud Clay soak
High-Quality Nutritional Support
Ancient Raw Pink Salt
Organic Mung beans
Organic Quinoa
Organic Curry Spices
CCF tea (Organic Cumin, Coriander, Fennel)
A folder with weekly/daily schedules, how to's and a couple of basic recipes
Daily Supplements
GI Clenz herbs
Parasite herbs
Heavy Metal binder
Hydration Therapy
Liquid B vitamins
2) 3 Weekly 15 min calls with Dr. April Gill for guidance on the detox kit and protocols
3)1 Instant Breakthrough Activation, a 2 hr session with Claudia. Using hypnotherapy, NLP, CBT and other tools from Rapid Transformational Therapy® you’ll establish a robust "I CAN DO THIS" success mindset, and awaken your body's natural ability to flow and thrive during this healing process.
This session comes with your own 15 min personalized hypnosis recording to listen to at least once daily for the duration of your cleanse. A powerful tool to keep you motivated and strong
4)1 Private 75 min. Yoga and Movement class with Daizy, who also brings breath work, reiki and somatic release techniques to deepen your experience in pure body and energy flow.
5)1 Lymphatic Drainage Massage with a therapist of your choice - Angelica, Gina or Michelle.
-How does the food and supplements work?
You will receive a week's schedule with the detailed info as part of your detox kit.
Here is a brief overview:
Monday - Friday: Take supplements and follow a simple food protocol
Saturday and Sunday: no supplements and food is your choice, following a specific guideline.
-What detox protocols do I follow and when?
Only on Saturday and Sundays you will do:
-Coffee enema
-Castor oil packs
-Hand and feet mud soaks
-What are the food guidelines?
This cleanse is not about restricting calories, so, you wont starve! However, for optimum results, the following will be removed from the diet for the duration of the cleanse: dairy, sugar, starchy veggies (potatoes, yams, winter squash, beets, etc), grains and alcohol, and any food containing them.
You can enjoy all vegetables, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, etc) and organic lean sources of protein
Fruits permitted: berries and citrus (go easy on the oranges)
Sweeteners permitted: stevia and monk fruit
Nuts and dried fruit used only as a condiment (homemade nut milk ok, no commercial nut milk)
-How much time will I need to put into it?
You can put as much time into it as you'd like, as it will be a great learning platform for you. But essentially it wont add too much to your normal routine. The first week you will naturally go through a learning curve, and it will all fall into place quickly. You will also gain so much time, brain capacity and energy from not having to think about what you will eat. Here's some time allocations we think:
-Reading through the material and planning your 21 days: about 1-2 hours.
-Preparing the entire amount of kitchari (quinoa+ mung beans mix) for the Mon - Fri breakfast and dinner, can take around 1 - 1.5 hours weekly.
-Making the Ayurveda-ade can take a couple of minutes each day.
-The detox protocols will only take place on Saturday and Sunday, about 1.5 hours each day. Plan an extra 30 minutes the first week to get familiar with the process.
-Can the yoga class be done remotely?
YES! in addition, Daizy can support you with energy healing, somatic release techniques, and breahtwork
-Can the Instant Breakthrough Activation be done remotely?
YES! in fact, it is recommended to be done in the comfort of your own home, via zoom.
-Can the entire program be done remotely?
It is possible!! it will be modified to exclude the acupuncture and lymphatic massage, and you will need to come to Livermore to pick up your kit. However if you need to have it mailed to you, please contact us to coordinate.
-Can I still eat out?
Yes. You can eat out and go to gatherings, although it is suggested you eat at home as much as possible, or be very aware of the type of restaurants you choose. We can not control what restaurants use in their cooking that we may be unaware of (rancid oils, fried ingredients, non-organic, msg, toxic flavorings)
-Can I travel while on this cleanse?
For optimum results, you would need to follow the schedule with the proper meals and food guidelines. So, unless you will have a kitchen available, it is best to delay travel plans.
-What if I am trying to get pregnant?
Kitchari, the main breakfast and dinner you will have Mon-Fri, strengthens the body while it detoxes. It completely satisfies the bodies nutritional needs, reduces inflamation and balances hormones. The cleanse will balance the body's organ system to create a homeostasis to make a perfect environment to get pregnant.
This cleanse is NOT recommended for pregnant women due to the body purging toxins and strong qi moving qualities.
-What if I have a health condition?
Please check with your primary care doctor and get his consent before joining
-What if I struggle through this cleanse?
We SO got you! Usually doing something new and unfamiliar that restricts you from what you are used to, brings resistance in the mind. Even more so when it comes to food! The truth is, you can do anything for 21 days. Especially when you have strong support, and what you are doing is for an empowering reason: your health, your vitality, your freedom and your spark back. But, we also believe in doing things the smart way. That is why we added the Instant Breakthrough Activation with your own personalized hypnosis recording. The tools and skills you'll develop to activate a can-do attitude and a success mindset, plus the Sovereignty over your life, your body and your health, will give you the empowerment you need to achieve your goals. During this cleanse and beyond.
All you really need is to BE READY. And we got you!
If you have any other questions, please contact Claudia or Dr. April Gill