As an immigrant, even after 23 years of making the US my home
and having let go of pretty much all traditions growing up in Venezuela,
this time of year still finds me with longing for my first encounter with magic
through the smells, sounds and feeling of the Holidays back home.
When everything was just right.

Im here with my mom and siblings, the youngest of 5,
I can still remember the scent from the soap we used on those branches of our homemade Christmas tree, to create the look of snow in 80 degree tropical weather!
Being completely real, there’s something about the Holidays
that touches so deeply,
with a unique sense of wonder, hopes, possibilities and chaos.
Do you feel it too?
Today, as I reflect on 'change', the only constant in life and a path I know too well,
I can not think of anyone who isn't in the midst of uncertainty, walking unfamiliar paths,
navigating big transitions or the loss of loved ones, health, jobs, homes, comfort, and so much more, while striving to make the best of it with what they have.
If this is you, I want you to know I see you, I believe in you, I love you, You got this!!
If this isn't you, I also see you, I believe in you, I love you,
and I ask you to join me in loving up on those who need it so much right now...
As the eternal romantic and possibilitarian I am
rooting for magic regardless of circumstances,
and having felt first hand the effects of hardship,
I have also experienced the life changing benefits
of turning around my perspective.
I thought of sharing 3 key practices
that have allowed me to embrace uncertainty
and make something uniquely beautiful with it,
especially during Holiday times.
So before you decide to settle and let go of your dreams,
or reach for the numbing substance or behavior,
or fall back into old detrimental patterns that lead to regret,
perhaps this will help. Let's take a look...
1. Hardships are an opportunity to be creative:

At the end of the day, all we really want is to feel good. To me, challenges are just a canvas to creatively find our way to new discoveries, to greater healing, to feeling not only good, but amazing - an invitation to reimagine ways of doing things, honoring ourselves and traditions, showing up and fostering a sense of connection even when circumstances are different, leading us to a sense of empowerment. If you need help,
Ask yourself:
“How is this the best thing that ever happened to me?” Opens possibilities!
“What would love do here?” Allows you to create from your heart wisdom, not react from the ego self.
“How can I allow my true emotions to flow so they don't choke me or someone else?”
Affirmations to contemplate:
I give myself permission to contribute to an extraordinary outcome in a different way, even if I don't really know how.
I have the capacity to make something amazing out of this situation.
I am the magic I wish to see. As I BE it, my surroundings reflect it back to me.
I deserve to take care of myself, and move at my own pace
2. Hardships give us a growing edge:

Meeting uncertainty head on, knowing it is here FOR YOU, instead of targeting you, can be a total feast of resilience and adaptability .
Yes, it does take courage, and it is vulnerable... But in a society that conditions us to push fear and hard emotions aside, here's an invitation to honor the true feelings, let them flow to loosen their grip, and search for the skills you need to become stronger, wiser, to rise to your next level. Then, uncertainties become a stepping stone for your own personal growth, and also an opportunity to deepen your understanding of those around you. And let’s face it, the world can use much more understanding.
Ask yourself:
“If this situation never changes, what is one skill I need to develop, to stay in my zone of power and authenticity?”
“What perspective do I need to let go of, about myself or others, that’s clouding my genius here?” (the only thing you can ever control is your perspective)
Affirmations to contemplate:
I am open to learning and growing into the best version of myself
I deserve to feel good. And so does everyone else
I got amazing coping skills
I am open to receiving the support I need to move through this
My capacity to adapt, grow and evolve creates a phenomenal life for myself and all
I take personal responsibility for my feelings, and let everyone off the hook.
3. Hardships make me human:

We are all navigating this uncharted path of peaks and valleys called life, and for some it is more difficult than for others. Acknowledging the challenges we face within ourselves, without expecting us to have it all figured out or handle everything perfectly, fosters empathy and compassion for ourselves and all.
It's time to recognize that this is all part of the universal human experience, and this awareness provides an opportunity to create bonds that transcend individual journeys, and reinforces the true spirit of togetherness. Which we so need in the current times.
We are all in this together… By approaching challenges with creativity, seeking growth in adversity, and acknowledging our shared humanity, we not only survive uncertainties but transform them into spaces for joy, connection, and meaningful celebration for all. It's in the midst of uncertainties that the true magic of the Holidays, and of our life long journeys, can unfold and create a better world for everyone.
Whatever you wish for this Holiday Season,
wish it with all your heart,
believe it
and BE it.
I am believing with you!
Feliz Navidad
Merry Christmas
Happy Channukah
Happy Holidays
PS: The Holidays can be rough without support. You don't need to do this alone. Reach out if you are ready for life-changing transformation.