January of 2021 started with what felt like a truck full of lemons. And what happened next, the choices I made, is what got me here today, to do this wonderful work midwifing hope and dreams into reality for so many, including me.
This is what I wrote early Spring 2021...
I AM RETIRING, RESIGNING FROM BEING A NUTRITION PROFESSIONAL For the majority of my adult life I have been studying anything I can get my hands on about food as medicine, philosophies around food and the best diets, traditional perspectives, newer ones, what is good for what, you name it. I have also been exploring the power of mindset to create our reality.
Lately, I have been devouring this type of information. It's been my biggest form of nourishment, sort of like food for the soul. Why? because, within 3 weeks in January: 1)I lost half of my income suddenly due to C0v1d. 2)My mom moved in with me, pretty permanently and completely unexpected, 3)My young adult daughter who I adore moved out of the house and to another state, 4)While recovering from a work injury, doctors said it will limit my ability to be employed in my field ever again, 5)I went through a heartbreak that nobody knew or knows about - this is the first time I bring it to light.
So, I did what my heart needed to not break completely. I frantically immersed myself into service. -Through my work as a Chef and Food Safety Manager at Culinary Angels, -Through supporting my mom at home and my daughter out of state -Through learning as much as I could about this power to create our reality, a.k.a. recognizing and blasting through outdated beliefs for myself, and for my near future service to the world.
It became very clear to me, I can no longer help you just figure out what to eat. The conversation is much bigger, exciting and profound than, for example, miso is one of the best powerfoods for the immune system and your gut, but, you need to eat it right…
A very dear friend so sweetly asked me "I am worried about you, how are you doing?" I said "I'm exhausted, and very very excited!!" Why? Because, within the last 3 weeks: 1)I began writing and painting again. Aside from creating in the kitchen and making music, nothing puts me more in touch with my beautiful wise loving heart. This is the magical place that I call ALIGNMENT with the truth of who I am. I can do anything in this space, and so can anybody else. ...What puts you in touch with the amazing intelligence of your heart? And what happens in your life because of that?
2)I got badass clarity on an "exciting" potential source of income that was completely out of alignment with me. So, kissed it good bye with love and gratitude, canceled everything, and my soul is free to soar again. Just wow... ...Is there anything in your life, that feels out of alignment, that you can let go of to let your spirit soar wild and free? It is truly one big wow moment...
3)I began a serious mind decluttering, shattering and eradicating outdated beliefs and stories that kept me in "who am I to XYZ". Had so much more energy and clarity!! I got out of the prison of my own mind, and reconnected with people who I love and admire, through meaningful conversations, potential collaborations, and more than ever before, truthful communications heart to heart. So rare, so incredibly precious. Thank you!! You know who you are ...Who have you been thinking about that you would love to reconnect with, and what is stopping you? Better yet, what would you need to make it happen?
4)On the same mind decluttering note, you know that very subtle but very sticky feeling of "who am I to have a life of prosperity and abundance?!! well... WHO AM I NOT TO HAVE A LIFE OF PROSPERITY AND ABUNDANCE? I am fully owning that I DO NOT KNOW what I dont know about money and I am still amazing and more than enough! So, Im now devoted to learning about finances, being money smart, letting go of money shit, guilt and self-blame. I am studying, I am part of 2 book clubs one of them with my daughter!! where we are learning the practical stuff as well as the energetics of money. It is dense and so freakin worth it…. ...In what area of your life would you be served, if you practice alignment with the prosperity and abundance you recognize within yourself as your birthright? I know that when I consciously align myself with the energy of prosperity, I stand taller for sure, I speak to myself differently, I set boundaries, I stop procrastinating, I love and honor myself deeply, ask for help - what a concept! - and so much more….
5)I have the dearest friends supporting me in achieving my full potential and being financially stable. Frankly, they have always been there, but now I can see them. Opportunities keep showing up!! And if the money is not in my bank account yet, it is in my energy field for sure. Feels incredibly fertile. ...What are you craving to have more of in your life? ...does that feel good or ugghhh... This is the thing: dreaming the dream from a place of already having it is so much more juicy, hot and fun than dreaming it from a place of uggghh where is it?? how come is not here yet!
6)I took one of the biggest leaps of faith and enrolled in Marisa Peer's RTT School. As fascinated as I am with the science behind Hypnotherapy, and what it has done for me in my fabulous life makeover, I have absolutely no idea how this is all going to play out in my life. But Im trusting so big.
All of this to say, I am no longer available to teach, or coach, or mentor, or guide anybody on a meal plan and how to cook. What I am available for is to continue learning, teaching and co-creating a life filled with the I AM’S that make me feel alive. So I can serve myself and the world with I AM WHAT I AM I AM WHO I AM I AM THAT I AM I AM ENOUGH, I AM I AM THE POWER THAT CREATES WORLDS, I AM I AM ME, I AM I AM AN ONGOING WORK OF ART IN PROGRESS, I AM
...what are your I AM's?
Update as of July 2022: I have now an established bilingual RTT practice based out of Pleasanton California. I feel truly honored to be changing lives all around the world.