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The Moment Everything Changed: A life-altering story of fear, courage and liberation behind the song "This Is Me"

Writer's picture: Claudia Castillo HolleyClaudia Castillo Holley

Imagine being in a room filled with industry heavyweights, after years of behind the scenes work, knowing that everything rides on this moment. That was the case during the workshop to get The Greatest Showman green-lit for production. The stakes couldn’t have been higher: the movie’s approval depended on the power of the music, the passion of the performers, and the energy in that room. And there were some unexpected last minute obstacles to navigate.

It was time for Keala Settle to perform the iconic anthem This Is Me. Behind the music stand, she gripped onto it as if it were a lifeline. Her usual vocal strength held back by fear, you could feel the weight of her vulnerability. She later admitted how terrified she was to step out and to take center stage, although she was encouraged to really embody and express the essence of this empowering song. Through all the rehearsals, she was never able to do it.

But then something extraordinary happened on that day.

Keala began to let go. Slowly, she moved out from behind the stand. You could feel her sense of agency and vibrancy building up in her, with each step. As her confidence grew, the infectious energy of her presence and the song filled the room, moving everyone to the core. Keala was finally standing in the center, every move to the beat of the music became a full declaration, commanding not just the space but the hearts of everyone watching. Her passion ignited a spark so powerful that it brought everyone to their feet. Fortunately, this moment was recorded, I invite you to see and feel it for yourself.

There were other pivotal moments on this day, but I chose to focus on this one. Needless to say, the deal was sealed for the movie’s production, and the process to that point, besides the actual movie which is just iconic, has brought so much inspiration to many. Including me.

I too have felt that trembling fear, the stern voice inside when I've been on the verge of something new and amazing, warning me

"Don't you dare! You are not really that good, you're gonna mess up, nobody cares..."

And one particular voice I uncovered not too long ago "No matter how hard you dream and work for it Claudia, it will never be enough". This one led me to complete burn out just about 2 months ago, which has completely given me a renewed sense of respect for my body's vulnerability, and its phenomenal ability to heal and thrive when we give it what it needs. But, I got another gift, as the giver that I am: I experienced the massive healing that happens when we have nothing left to give, and lean on those who believe in us, who really see us, who are there and embrace us even when we’re lost, uncertain, broken, unable to do our job or care for anyone.

Feeling that safety of someone really getting us unconditionally, without us having to act or do or be a certain way, is one of the strongest healing forces I have ever experienced. Something inside then let's go, something else lights up. We relax, soften, regulate, we can flow, and regain the strength to begin again, and eventually step back up even better than before. We remember who we are. We find our footing. And as we do, the magic happens. We realize we’re not just enough—we’re powerful, deserving, valuable, worthy and capable beyond measure. Even when we are down.

This story also reminded me that our dreams and desires for a different, more aligned life, will inevitably come with fear and doubt. Breaking up with old, conditioned ways of living, loving, relating, creating and healing, which have kept us small, controlled, contracted and contorted, will most likely feel terrifying. And that's ok. We will probably mess up, stumble, feel lost as we find ourselves again. And that's ok. What is not ok is to allow any of that define who we are, our brilliance, our value, and what phenomenal possibilities are available for us.

I truly believe that as long as we have access to that greater vision, and surround ourselves with believers, supporters and cheerleaders, we can begin to believe in ourselves and our dreams, gather the courage to show up, ask for help - and receive it! -and dare to take that first step, even if shaky, into what makes us feel alive.

So, I’ll leave you with this:

What is that burning dream in your heart?

The one that keeps nudging you when you try to ignore it or feel it's not possible for you, perhaps for others but certainly not for you?

If you could talk to that dream, what would it say to you?

Let yourself be here with your dream for a few moments.

Breathe into its resonance, its wisdom, its joy.

Notice what you notice, the body sensations, the feelings, the words in your head.

What is possible, when you give it space to be?

Anything is possible when we believe in ourselves, lean on the support of others, and dare to take that leap. If you need a cheerleader, you got one right here.

With visions for dreams fulfilled,


PS: Was this story as inspiring for you as it was for me? Leave a comment and share!

Claudia Castillo Holley

C Rapid Transformational Therapist®

C. Hypnotherapist

Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath™ Practitioner

Mind/Body Nutrition Professional

Catalyst of Positive Change



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